Download The ShangriLas' Golden Hits of the ShangriLas 33 1/3 Ada Wolin 9781501331749 Books

By Sally Rowland on Monday, June 3, 2019

Download The ShangriLas' Golden Hits of the ShangriLas 33 1/3 Ada Wolin 9781501331749 Books

Product details

  • Series 33 1/3 (Book 138)
  • Paperback 136 pages
  • Publisher Bloomsbury Academic (April 4, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1501331744

The ShangriLas' Golden Hits of the ShangriLas 33 1/3 Ada Wolin 9781501331749 Books Reviews

  • This book is informative and interesting. I enjoyed looking up all the songs and listening to them while reading. I had no idea that the girls in this band were so young! The author is brilliant and insightful. I loved the way she was brutally honest with her opinions and observations, as a good critique should be. It was an education I didn't know I needed! The music of this era has always been mysterious to me. Her words made me appreciate the music of the female 60's bands ,and how they helped shape modern music and performers along the way.