Download Ultimative Reiseziele für zwei Außergewöhnliche Erlebnisse und Abenteuer auf allen Kontinenten Mike Howard Anne Howard 9783866906891 Books

By Sally Rowland on Friday, May 31, 2019

Download Ultimative Reiseziele für zwei Außergewöhnliche Erlebnisse und Abenteuer auf allen Kontinenten Mike Howard Anne Howard 9783866906891 Books

Download As PDF : Ultimative Reiseziele für zwei Außergewöhnliche Erlebnisse und Abenteuer auf allen Kontinenten Mike Howard Anne Howard 9783866906891 Books

Download PDF Ultimative Reiseziele für zwei Außergewöhnliche Erlebnisse und Abenteuer auf allen Kontinenten Mike Howard Anne Howard 9783866906891 Books

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Download Ultimative Reiseziele für zwei Außergewöhnliche Erlebnisse und Abenteuer auf allen Kontinenten Mike Howard Anne Howard 9783866906891 Books


Product details

  • Hardcover
  • Publisher NG Buchverlag GmbH (March 25, 2019)
  • Language German
  • ISBN-10 3866906897

Read Ultimative Reiseziele für zwei Außergewöhnliche Erlebnisse und Abenteuer auf allen Kontinenten Mike Howard Anne Howard 9783866906891 Books

Tags : Ultimative Reiseziele für zwei Außergewöhnliche Erlebnisse und Abenteuer auf allen Kontinenten [Mike Howard, Anne Howard] on . ,Mike Howard, Anne Howard,Ultimative Reiseziele für zwei Außergewöhnliche Erlebnisse und Abenteuer auf allen Kontinenten,NG Buchverlag GmbH,3866906897

Ultimative Reiseziele für zwei Außergewöhnliche Erlebnisse und Abenteuer auf allen Kontinenten Mike Howard Anne Howard 9783866906891 Books Reviews :

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Read I carri di Yahweh Le ascensioni in cielo di Elia Enoch Maometto e molti altri Italian Edition Marco Enrico de Graya 9781090475541 Books

By Sally Rowland

Read I carri di Yahweh Le ascensioni in cielo di Elia Enoch Maometto e molti altri Italian Edition Marco Enrico de Graya 9781090475541 Books

Download As PDF : I carri di Yahweh Le ascensioni in cielo di Elia Enoch Maometto e molti altri Italian Edition Marco Enrico de Graya 9781090475541 Books

Download PDF I carri di Yahweh Le ascensioni in cielo di Elia Enoch Maometto e molti altri Italian Edition Marco Enrico de Graya 9781090475541 Books

Testo che raccoglie due ricerche vengono presentati tutti i versetti biblici ed extrabiblici dei libri di Enoch ove si illustrano gli oggetti volanti utilizzati da Yahweh per spostarsi in cielo o per scendere sulla terra a conferire con il suo popolo. Dal libro dell'Esodo ad Ezechiele, da Elia a Isaia, da Daniele a Gesù. Quindi si riportano i viaggi in cielo di profeti viventi Enoch, Elia, Gesù, Mosè, Maometto. A completezza di documentazione si riportano gli altri miti di umani o semidei viventi assunti in cielo il Re Hindu Yudhisthira, Ganimede, Ercole, Dioniso/Bacco e Romolo/Quirino.

Read I carri di Yahweh Le ascensioni in cielo di Elia Enoch Maometto e molti altri Italian Edition Marco Enrico de Graya 9781090475541 Books


Product details

  • Paperback 90 pages
  • Publisher Independently published (March 14, 2019)
  • Language Italian
  • ISBN-10 1090475543

Read I carri di Yahweh Le ascensioni in cielo di Elia Enoch Maometto e molti altri Italian Edition Marco Enrico de Graya 9781090475541 Books

Tags : I carri di Yahweh Le ascensioni in cielo di Elia, Enoch, Maometto e molti altri (Italian Edition) [Marco Enrico de Graya] on . Testo che raccoglie due ricerche vengono presentati tutti i versetti biblici ed extrabiblici dei libri di Enoch ove si illustrano gli oggetti volanti utilizzati da Yahweh per spostarsi in cielo o per scendere sulla terra a conferire con il suo popolo. Dal libro dell'Esodo ad Ezechiele,Marco Enrico de Graya,I carri di Yahweh Le ascensioni in cielo di Elia, Enoch, Maometto e molti altri (Italian Edition),Independently published,1090475543,Bibles / Christian Standard Bible / General,Religion / Islam / General

I carri di Yahweh Le ascensioni in cielo di Elia Enoch Maometto e molti altri Italian Edition Marco Enrico de Graya 9781090475541 Books Reviews :

More aboutRead I carri di Yahweh Le ascensioni in cielo di Elia Enoch Maometto e molti altri Italian Edition Marco Enrico de Graya 9781090475541 Books

Ebook Faith Hope Connection A 30Day Devotional for Adoptive and Foster Parents edition by Melissa Corkum Lisa Qualls Religion Spirituality eBooks

By Sally Rowland

Ebook Faith Hope Connection A 30Day Devotional for Adoptive and Foster Parents edition by Melissa Corkum Lisa Qualls Religion Spirituality eBooks

Product details

  • File Size 368 KB
  • Print Length 115 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date March 20, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Faith Hope Connection A 30Day Devotional for Adoptive and Foster Parents edition by Melissa Corkum Lisa Qualls Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews

  • I loved the book. I felt understood, empowered, guided, and encouraged. With 30 different authors who are foster parents and adoptive parents and 30 different topics, it touched on so many experiences I've had and felt, or had with my children. It helped me refocus on what was important and gave me a newer vision and perspective. There was no judgement, only compassion and understanding. It felt to me like I was talking to friends, and I was sorry to see the book end. I will read this devotional again, and I'm certain I will gain some new insights when I read it again.
  • Beautifully written, speaks the truth about the difficulties of fostering or adoption, but then lavishly describes God’s love for us throughout the difficult times. A must read for foster and adoptive families.
  • I loved this devotional. The book shows compassion and offers encouragement to parents of adopted & foster children.
  • This is a valuable resource for foster & adoptive parents written by foster & adoptive parents. Each devotional is by a different writer, so I appreciate the different voices and perspectives offering truth and encouraging for the real days of parenting, regardless of how God put together families. I recently used this devotional at a moms' retreat and many found encouragement in the stories shared. It was also a good segue into how our little stories are part of God's greatest story.
  • When I first began the book, I thought, "I am not alone!! I'm not the only one who struggles! I am not the only one who determines that this will be the morning I am that awesome mama, only to feel like a failure within the first 15 minutes of waking my crew for the morning!" As I continued, my next thought became, "Oh no!!! Is our family ever going to get better? Will we be happy again? Will we ever discover our new normal and be ok with it? Will we survive the battle?" By the end, I was encouraged. I understand the battle may be long and may not end this side of Heaven. I believe we can, as a family, find peace in our new normal. I also find great comfort in knowing this is a spiritual battle and God is leading it. He loves my kids more than my husband or I ever could.... He sees and knows all of our individual hurts and fears and He is at work in the healing process. I just have to cling to Him every day and in every way. So thankful for the opportunity to here how God has worked in other foster/adoptive families. Thank you to those who shared!!
  • I LOVED this book. I'm a foster/adoptive, home-school parent with very little time for self-care. I participated in a 30-day group where we read and shared our journey through Faith, Hope, & Connection. To be honest, I wasn't able to get to it each day but I didn't give up. Every single entry seemed to speak directly into my heart. I am so grateful to have discovered this helpful resource.
More aboutEbook Faith Hope Connection A 30Day Devotional for Adoptive and Foster Parents edition by Melissa Corkum Lisa Qualls Religion Spirituality eBooks

Read The Good Neighbor The Life and Work of Fred Rogers Audible Audio Edition Maxwell King LeVar Burton Oasis Audio Books

By Sally Rowland

Read The Good Neighbor The Life and Work of Fred Rogers Audible Audio Edition Maxwell King LeVar Burton Oasis Audio Books

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 14 hours and 7 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Oasis Audio
  • Release Date September 4, 2018
  • Language English, English

The Good Neighbor The Life and Work of Fred Rogers Audible Audio Edition Maxwell King LeVar Burton Oasis Audio Books Reviews

  • Fred Rogers slowed down my sons' TV viewing thirty five years ago. Compared to Sesame Street, where every moment seemed spent in frenetic movement, the Mr Rogers show was calm and deliberately paced. Fred Rogers seemed to be able to speak directly to a child. I always wished I could speak so intimately to my own children but then most mothers I knew felt the same way. Fred Rogers is the subject of a superb new bio, "The Good Neighbor The Life and Work of Fred Rogers", by Maxwell King.

    Fred Rogers was born to be "Mr Rogers". He was an only child for many years, born and raised in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, near Pittsburg. His family was very wealthy, owning local companies, and were liberal in their outlook. His mother, in particular, was very, very charitable in the community and both parents encouraged young Fred in his artistic interests. Fred went through a typical adolescence as a rich kid in a small town, complete with the embarrassment that age and wealth bring. He went to Dartmouth for two years - enduring endless partying in the wilds of New Hampshire by others - before transferring to Rollins College in Florida. He found a ready-made community of other music majors. He soon knew he wanted to combine music with the teaching of children. He met his wife, Joanne, at Rollins. He soon moved into the new medium of television and soon found his place. And he was perfect for public television, where he found a home after disagreeing with the monetizing of children's TV.

    Fred Rogers came from a religious family. They had long been active in the Presbyterian Church and Fred eventually became a Presbyterian minister. I never thought he pushed his Christian beliefs in his show but I always appreciated the religious-aura he lent to his words.

    Maxwell King takes a measured look at Fred Rogers, his career, and his huge influence on generations of children who were raised with his gentle voice and words. There wasn't much "wrong" in Fred Rogers' life; he was lucky that way, but he also worked at contributing to the society around him. Now that I have grandchildren, I miss Mr Rogers.
  • This is a definitive biography of Fred Rogers, bringing into focus the span of his entire life with ease, warmth and authority. The author did an excellent job creating a wonderful read, filled with details that will stay with the reader. We really need this biography to help keep Fred Roger's work and outlook alive. You will come away from this book with a deeper and richer appreciation of the varied landscape of his life and work. And you'll be richer for it. This book is important. A must read for people in all walks of life who care about children and our world. "The Good Neighbor", is a great book about an amazing human. Enjoy!
  • Reading Maxwell King 's biography of Fred Rogers (frequently with tears in my eyes), I wondered what words Mr. Rogers would have for us in a world characterized by intolerance, violence (much of it committed against the young), and a lack of authenticity. I am grateful for the opportunity to be immersed in the life, the work, and the legacy of the man behind the puppets that I enjoyed watching as a young child--full disclosure as a young Pittsburgher. This is the man who wrote on the back of photos of himself that I picked up for my sons at a conference keynoted by his executive producer, and took with me to Pittsburgh Theological Seminary to have him autograph when I heard he was in the continuing education class after mine, "Through the kindness of your dad." I learned so much about his history and his connections thanks to King's thorough research, and will be proud to continue delighting (or distressing) friends, family, and neighbors with my almost-daily renditions of "It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" as I walk out the backdoor, regardless of the weather, and into a world made better because Fred McFeely Rogers was (and continues to be) part of It.
  • Anyone who is not too old for apple juice and cookies is not too old for Mister Rogers! I simply could not put this excellent biography down! Mister Rogers' core virtue is compassion. King shows how Mister Rogers treats children with the utmost respect, but far more than a children's television host, Mister Rogers was a brilliant musician, playwright, and caring pastor. I was amazed that this sweet man avoided negativity even when presenting things about which he strongly disagreed. For example, in a Christmas show, he, as the writer, displays a dislike for the song "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" by having Santa tell Daniel Tiger that not a spy, and that good people are not always good - they only try to be good. Through Mister Rogers' example, I myself try to be good. As I reflect on my own childhood memories of television, I think of the other men on the shows I watched Gomez Addams was handsome and funny, but we never see him as a friend - we only see him with his family. Gordon on Sesame Street was with his television neighbors, but even when off-duty, he could not stop being a teacher - it was important for him to teach children, for example, the alphabet. As for Bozo, whom I never liked, we see him only at work as a clown - and King points out that Mister Rogers was against "clowns and balloons" being presented to children in their shows because children deserve far more than that - they deserve love and respect. Mister Rogers alone provides children with what they - and adults - need the most unconditional love. King presents Mister Rogers as the loving and compassionate neighbor whom everyone wants to have as a neighbor, and through King's book, I am trying very hard to be that sort of person.
More aboutRead The Good Neighbor The Life and Work of Fred Rogers Audible Audio Edition Maxwell King LeVar Burton Oasis Audio Books

Read McGrawHill US Citizenship Test with DVD Karen Hilgeman Kristin D Sherman Winifred Ho Books

By Sally Rowland

Read McGrawHill US Citizenship Test with DVD Karen Hilgeman Kristin D Sherman Winifred Ho Books

Product details

  • Series Mcgraw Hill's U.S. Citizenship Test
  • Paperback 224 pages
  • Publisher McGraw-Hill Education; 1 edition (June 8, 2009)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0071605169

McGrawHill US Citizenship Test with DVD Karen Hilgeman Kristin D Sherman Winifred Ho Books Reviews

  • I bought it because of DVD. I was hopping to get interactive studding. But DVD contain only 3 video interviews with USCIS officer, 5 quizzes (10 question each - some of them repeat each other from quiz to quiz) and some interactive menu links which open one of dialogs from one of three interviews. That's it. No 100 civic questions from history, no help with forms, no English tests or anything like it. DVD is useless unless you want to watch over and over interview where interviewed endlessly ask officer to repeat the questions.
    As for book, it's a waste of money. The book suppose to help you study history, help to fill up N400 (they could simply fill up it with fake info for sample sake) but it doesn't explain what needs to fill up in paragraph. let say Part4 paragraph B "Care of______" care of WHAT?! The book does not give an explanation. There are more questions asking you in this book than answers explaining them like "Why is voting both right and responsibility?" or "What does the Statue of Liberty means to you? What do you think of when you see it?". The book does not have answers. And those only samples of questions.
    Another aspect of the book is it ask you "Find someone who has become a US citizen" to interview him. What is that?! Joke? The book suppose to give right and direct answers not to send you away for someone help who may be even does not have a correct answer.
    Another thing "If you have trouble to apply for citizenship ... think of ways to find professionals in immigration and naturalization in your community ". The book send you away again! If I'd find professional why would I need this book?
    And last one, whoever did this DVD could use at least one actor with clear English and refer that interview in the book. Instead they selected girl who barely speak English. It's not only irritate but give you wrong stereotype of behavior and answers. The book and DVD suppose to teach how to do things right in right manner. Those interviews (they offered) could be as a sample of different people behavior but not a guide for exam. If I were you I'd look for another sources. Well one of them could be an info on USCIS official site. Or simply search on Google "USCIS The Naturalization Test" You'll get all what you need for free including video and studding material.

    PS. I passed the Interview and got US Citizenship, based on USCIS materials solely.
    You can download this from YouTube, burn on DVD disk and watch it every day

    New U.S. Citizenship Test, 2011

    Good luck!
  • Fantastic for intermediate students. Not only for citizenship classes but for English learning as well
  • I am using this with a Korean student to help her prepare for the Citizenship Interview/Test. She likes the book and the DVD which has eased her anxiety quite a bit. Watching the DVD repeatedly and discussing the process has been a great experience for her. The text is complete without being too overwhelming. Well worth owning.
  • Good source
  • As advertised and quick delivery.
  • Fast Delivery and good price
  • very helpful
  • Item arrived as described. I love it.
More aboutRead McGrawHill US Citizenship Test with DVD Karen Hilgeman Kristin D Sherman Winifred Ho Books

Read Delivery of Goods under Bills of Lading Anders Møllmann Books

By Sally Rowland on Thursday, May 30, 2019

Read Delivery of Goods under Bills of Lading Anders Møllmann Books

Download As PDF : Delivery of Goods under Bills of Lading Anders Møllmann Books

Download PDF Delivery of Goods under Bills of Lading Anders Møllmann Books

Probably the core characteristic of a bill of lading is that the original bill of lading must be presented at the port of destination for a consignee to be entitled to delivery of the goods and for the carrier to get a good discharge of its delivery obligation by delivering the goods to said consignee. This notion is accepted virtually worldwide, but the more precise content of the "presentation rule" differs from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Furthermore, and of importance, the legal basis establishing the "presentation rule" differs.

With the technological advances in maritime transport as well as in communications technology and the emergence of more complicated trading patterns, a system where a specific tangible piece of paper issued at the port of loading has to be presented at the port of discharge to obtain delivery of the goods seems almost archaic and can obviously create problems. Thus, in practice very often – especially in some trades such as the oil trade – the bill of lading is not available at the port of discharge when the ship is ready to deliver the cargo.

The book will first analyse the "presentation rule", its finer contents and its legal basis. It will then go on with (legal) analyses of three developments and responses to the problems that the bill of lading system gives rise to in practice, viz. the commercial, the international legislature’s, and the technological response. The commercial response analysed here consists of contractual exemption or limitation clauses in the bill of lading set up as a defence against claims for misdelivery. The international legislature’s response denotes the adoption of the Rotterdam Rules which as the first international convention on carriage of goods by sea includes elaborate rules on delivery of the goods. Finally, the technological response denotes the possibility of using electronic (equivalents of) bills of lading. The analyses will include a comparative approach examining both English and Scandinavian law to elucidate the issues with greater clarity.

Read Delivery of Goods under Bills of Lading Anders Møllmann Books


Product details

  • Paperback 232 pages
  • Publisher Routledge; 1 edition (October 20, 2018)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0367075539

Read Delivery of Goods under Bills of Lading Anders Møllmann Books

Tags : Delivery of Goods under Bills of Lading (9780367075538) Anders Møllmann Books,Anders Møllmann,Delivery of Goods under Bills of Lading,Routledge,0367075539,Anders Mollmann,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Corporate Governance,Business/Economics,Contract Clauses,Delivery of Goods,Electronic Transport Documents,International Trade,International maritime law,LAW / Commercial / General,LAW / Commercial / International Trade,Law/Air Space,Law/Commercial - International Trade,Law/Contracts,Non-Fiction,Presentation Rule,Rotterdam Rules,Rotterdam Rules; Anders Mollmann; Contract Clauses; Delivery of Goods; Electronic Transport Documents; International Trade; Presentation Rule,TEXT

Delivery of Goods under Bills of Lading Anders Møllmann Books Reviews :

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Ebook Favole moderne per crescere bambini intelligenti Serie di libri per bambini dedicati alle favole della buonanotte Versione tutta a colori Italian Edition edition by Elton Hill Libro Service Children eBooks

By Sally Rowland

Ebook The Longevity Diet Discover the New Science Behind Stem Cell Activation and Regeneration to Slow Aging Fight Disease and Optimize Weight Valter Longo 9780525534075 Books

Product details

  • Hardcover 320 pages
  • Publisher Avery; 1 edition (January 2, 2018)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0525534075

The Longevity Diet Discover the New Science Behind Stem Cell Activation and Regeneration to Slow Aging Fight Disease and Optimize Weight Valter Longo 9780525534075 Books Reviews

  • This hurts. I've admired Dr. Longo's ingenuity, creativity and genius for a while now. Loved one of his documentaries on FireStick...watched podcasts and interviews. Loved each and every single one of them.

    Then I bought this book. It all fell appart for me. I'd have returned it if it wasn't because I had earmarked a few pages.

    First few parts of the book are mostly autobiographical. Call me crazy but I was not that interested in that portion of the book. I mean, he's lead a very rich life, I just don't want to pay to hear about it. Tell me all about it over a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, for free.

    The rest of the book is a huge sale on his Prolon FMD product. Which is fine. I'd would have loved to know what I was getting myself into before actually paying to buy advertising.

    IF, and that is a big IF, you are not familiar at all with fasting and its benefits it will serve you better to watch his documentary. Also, there is another great documentary about fasting, etc. called The Science of Fasting. Both are great.

    IF you are unable to fast for health or weight loss due to health issues or social issues or whatever, then sure, you can pay to get the FMD Prolon info from his book could get it for free on his website.

    Hope this helps someone not waste their hard earned pesos.
  • Most of us want to live a healthy, long life. But what’s the best way to switch on your body's ability to promote cellular protection, regeneration and rejuvenation? Valter Longo Ph.D., a researcher and director of the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California (USC) helps answer that question, as he’s investigated this topic for over two decades. As the editor and founder of the most visited natural health site I had an opportunity to carefully review Dr. Longo’s book which is why I can post a comprehensive review on the date of publication.

    By studying the effects of starvation on yeast, Longo discovered that sugar accelerates aging and premature death. He also found that limiting protein intake providing profound metabolic benefits and as a result he promotes radically reduced protein consumption. Longo recommends limiting protein to 0.31 to 0.36 grams of protein per pound of body weight. For most, that would mean cutting down their protein consumption by about two-thirds. If you weigh 150 pounds, you’d need just 50 grams of protein a day.

    If you eat excessive protein then your regenerative potential is placed on hold. Once you remove these blocks, your stem cells are turned on, and then, during the refeeding phase, your body undergoes a major regeneration and rejuvenation phase. This is in part why intermittent fasting or fasting is so much better than chronic calorie restriction. The “magic” actually happens during the refeeding phase, after you’ve gone through a period of starvation.

    If you just cut calories but never enter refeeding, you miss the opportunity to rebuild your body. So, while starvation triggers the cleanout process of autophagy and activates stem cells, refeeding triggers rebuilding, and for optimal health, you really need both.

    It is Longo’s research that finally convinced me that multi-day water fasting is one of the most powerful metabolic interventions out there. There's really nothing that comes close, and the reason for this is because it switches your cells to a protected “anti-aging mode.” It promotes autophagy and replaces cell components with newly generated functional ones, thanks to the activation of stem cells. I now do a five-day water-only fast once a month, and recommend it for most people — as long as you’ve prepared yourself properly first.

    A key step that made water fasting easy for me was getting into the habit of intermittently fasting 20 hours a day for at least a month. If you’re on medication, you also need to work with your doctor to ensure safety, as some medications really need to be taken with food and/or can become toxic when your body chemistry normalizes. Those taking hypoglycemic or anti-hypertensive medication are particularly at risk, as they may end up overdosing.

    Longo cautions that people who should not water fast or be on the fasting mimicking diet include pregnant women, people who are seriously underweight (have low body mass index) and/or suffer from anorexia, seniors over the age of 70 (unless you’re exceptionally healthy), anyone who is fragile or people with liver or kidney disease. If you have a chronic disease, be sure to work with your doctor and have him or her closely monitor your condition.

    One of the strong recommendations in Longo’s book is to actively incorporate the fasting approach if you’re undergoing treatment for cancer. Not only will it radically improve the effectiveness of the cancer therapy, but it will also decrease its side effects. In his book, Longo cites animal research showing the fasting mimicking diet in combination with treadmill exercise resulted in greater maintenance of muscle mass and a decrease in sarcopenia. Interestingly, neither strategy worked on its own.

    Longo’s research also shows the fasting reduces inflammation and inflammatory diseases such as dermatitis. Cancers are reduced by nearly 50 percent. Importantly, cancers are also significantly postponed, and many tumors are also benign rather than malignant. Cognition is also improved. In mice that received the fasting mimicking diet twice a month were cognitively doing much better than the mice on the regular diet.

    Another area of improvement is your immune system, which undergoes a transformation to a more youthful state. Overall, there’s a reduction in risk factors for diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer, and an improvement in markers for aging. So if you are interested in increasing not only how long you live but the quality of those years then you would be strongly advised to review this book to understand how to best accomplish that with our current understanding of biology.
  • I have been absolutely fascinated for the past 3 weeks since the night I discovered Valter Longo and his research by watching the documentary (free on prime) for "The Science of Fasting". I am not sure when they added that title, but I am so incredibly grateful to have discovered this very important research and all the implications that I have learned over the past weeks! I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2017 in the early Spring and my life has taken that difficult path of trying to get a cure from the typical "standard of care" type of treatment. Before I learned about the concept of starving around your chemo sessions, I had already endured 4 rounds of Adriamycin/Cytoxin and 1 round of Taxol. I was in the depressing situation of being numb in my feet, starting to get numb in my hands, and totally freaked out about it. Also, that first round of Taxol had almost crippled me for 3 days, making all my joints unstable to the point that I had to use a walker. I am only 47, so I started to think that I'll be left so numb in my feet that it wouldn't be safe for me to ride my bicycle anymore, which would truly be sad to me. So about 3 weeks ago, I was depressed about those thoughts and desperate to find something to watch other than "The Walking Dead" (terrible show now), and I found a documentary that I could watch for free on Prime ("The Science of Fasting") and I decided to watch it. I was kind of skeptical until I saw the interview with Valter Longo, who was showing the lab mice who had been starved versus the lab mice who had been allowed to free feed prior to and during a massive overdose of a chemotherapy drug. Then I knew that I had to consult google to see if this was really true. I expected to only see alternative medicine people talking about it, but I realized it was all TRUE, while also having a sickening realization many of my loved ones have died of cancer in the past 4 years and there was actually a lot of talk occurring on the internet about this topic, about research and promising results for a variety of illnesses including cancer. I consider the man behind the book to be exactly the type of person we all needed to be doing this, because he can't be discouraged from taking a better and more insightful look at these incredibly important issues. There is nothing more important than living in a way that sustains and protects life, since life is beautiful but delicate and should be held with respect. I truly appreciate that the perspective of this book is that people should live longer and healthier lives, combined with what science says on the topic. By the way, I can't resist adding that I think Lord Byron must have jumped for joy in his grave when this book was published. If only he had known that his habits of starving himself and then bingeing on "fish and vegetables" was actually a huge boon to his health, and not just to his fashion sense. Byron also spoke greatly about the mental clarity he enjoyed when he was in starvation mode, which is fascinating when you learn that brain neurons are created, new brain neurons, when you fast and then re-feed. Imagine this Byron's worst problem, his hated tendency to get fat, drove him to a cycle of fasting and re-feeding that literally galvanized his poet skill? Not sure about that. But I like to think so, because I honestly would not have even dreamed of thinking about that unless I learned of Valter Longo's research. I'd also like to add that this book is wonderfully written and intelligent. I did feel a slight twinge of uncertainty about the diet but I realized that I can follow the eating plan by measuring ingredients on a scale, and believe me, after you finish a fast... you literally have tons of energy and fascination with preparing healthy and small portions of highly nutritious food. This diet will sound like hell to you if you are already stuffed on a rich diet, but if you actually fast, you will find that this is exactly the kind of food that you crave. I am so grateful for your kindness and fortitude of spirit that you brought this book out now. Bless!!!
    Edit I forgot to mention the most important thing, which is that I was able to do a 4 day water fast around my 2nd infusion of taxol. I faster for only 2 days prior to chemo day (I was afraid of getting too run down, and I didn't know what to expect), plus I fasted the day of the infusion and the day after. The first thing that I noticed was that my neuropathy almost totally went away after only 24 hours on the fast! So that neurapathy eased even before I got in the chemo chair. I felt fine after chemo, and pretty ok the day after, and then the day after that (so on my 4th day of fasting), I knew that this method of starving yourself to protect from the toxic effects of chemo actually works. Because I was walking with good balance, in a normal gait, without any limping or feeling like I must walk with the aid of a "walker". That is what happened to me when I had my first taxol infusion, without any fasting. So to me, this was totally proven and I realized this book was coming out within a couple of days, so I ordered multiple copies to share with EVERYONE. Because all proceeds go to charity, and people are being damaged by chemo drugs every day around the world. Patients have the right to know about this!!!! I am so happy and active right now that nobody can believe I just had chemo.
More aboutEbook Favole moderne per crescere bambini intelligenti Serie di libri per bambini dedicati alle favole della buonanotte Versione tutta a colori Italian Edition edition by Elton Hill Libro Service Children eBooks

Ebook Favole moderne per crescere bambini intelligenti Serie di libri per bambini dedicati alle favole della buonanotte Versione tutta a colori Italian Edition edition by Elton Hill Libro Service Children eBooks

By Sally Rowland

Ebook Favole moderne per crescere bambini intelligenti Serie di libri per bambini dedicati alle favole della buonanotte Versione tutta a colori Italian Edition edition by Elton Hill Libro Service Children eBooks

Download As PDF : Favole moderne per crescere bambini intelligenti Serie di libri per bambini dedicati alle favole della buonanotte Versione tutta a colori Italian Edition edition by Elton Hill Libro Service Children eBooks

Download PDF Favole moderne per crescere bambini intelligenti Serie di libri per bambini dedicati alle favole della buonanotte Versione tutta a colori Italian Edition  edition by Elton Hill Libro Service Children eBooks

“Favole moderne per crescere bambini intelligenti” è un libro di fiabe che cerca di aiutare i genitori nel momento in cui il rapporto con i figli si fa più intimo l’ora della buonanotte. La vita frenetica di oggi porta a trascurare questo aspetto fondamentale dell’educazione e della crescita, che invece è importantissimo. Sempre più spesso bambini, anche molto piccoli, vengono lasciati davanti alla televisione e, solo dopo che si sono addormentati, portati nel loro letto. Ma è la curiosità che stimola l’intelligenza. La televisione, la radio, i videogiochi hanno una funzione solo passiva. Non permettono di interagire. Un bambino ha bisogno di fare domande, di chiedere il significato di una parola che non conosce, di elaborare un racconto assieme ad un adulto che lo tranquillizza e lo fa riflettere. Naturalmente i più piccoli si addormenteranno solo grazie al suono rilassante di una voce familiare che legge, senza riuscire a seguire e comprendere integralmente un racconto. Proprio per questo, diventerà per loro un momento apprezzato, che cercheranno ogni sera. Ci si accorgerà che vorranno sentire spesso la stessa fiaba, in maniera abitudinaria, cogliendovi sempre sfumature diverse. Il libro è strutturato su due livelli, per venire incontro anche alle esigenze di bambini più grandi. Viene descritta, nelle prefazioni, una storia all’interno della quale personaggi fiabeschi raccontano le favole. Questo per far lavorare la loro immaginazione e fantasia. Il consiglio che mi sento di dare ai genitori dei più piccoli è quello di, in un primo momento, saltare le varie prefazioni e legger loro direttamente le fiabe. Nel libro vengono utilizzate, ogni tanto, parole più complesse e inusuali. Servono a migliorare la proprietà di linguaggio, sfruttando la naturale curiosità che hanno i bambini nelle varie fasi della loro crescita. Contrariamente a noi adulti, infatti, sono capaci di memorizzare immediatamente una parola appena sentita ed inserirla nel proprio bagaglio di conoscenze. Le varie fiabe sono anche rappresentate da immagini, per stimolare l’attenzione. La scelta è stata quella di utilizzarle con forme ed espressività diverse, proprio per aumentarne l’interesse. Tutte le storie che incontrerete nel libro sono ambientate in tempi e luoghi fantastici, con lo scopo di creare quella magia che attira con curiosità. Allo stesso tempo affrontano, in maniera sublimale, quelli che sono i temi e le problematiche del nostro tempo. Da qui il nome del libro.
Come disse, tanto tempo fa, un vecchio saggio di paese «Molte persone sono state colpite in testa da una mela caduta da un albero, ma solo Newton se ne è domandato il motivo, scoprendo così la legge di gravità! Sai perché?» Gli risposi «Certo, è facile! Perché era più intelligente degli altri!» «No!» Replicò il vecchio con un sorriso, «Era solo più curioso!»

Ebook Favole moderne per crescere bambini intelligenti Serie di libri per bambini dedicati alle favole della buonanotte Versione tutta a colori Italian Edition edition by Elton Hill Libro Service Children eBooks


Product details

  • File Size 11996 KB
  • Print Length 113 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN 1799296369
  • Publisher (March 21, 2019)
  • Publication Date March 21, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language Italian

Read Favole moderne per crescere bambini intelligenti Serie di libri per bambini dedicati alle favole della buonanotte Versione tutta a colori Italian Edition  edition by Elton Hill Libro Service Children eBooks

Tags : Favole moderne per crescere bambini intelligenti Serie di libri per bambini dedicati alle favole della buonanotte. Versione tutta a colori. (Italian Edition) - edition by Elton Hill, Libro Service. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Favole moderne per crescere bambini intelligenti Serie di libri per bambini dedicati alle favole della buonanotte. Versione tutta a colori. (Italian Edition).,ebook,Elton Hill, Libro Service,Favole moderne per crescere bambini intelligenti Serie di libri per bambini dedicati alle favole della buonanotte. Versione tutta a colori. (Italian Edition),,Juvenile Fiction / Bedtime Dreams,Juvenile Fiction / Legends, Myths, Fables / General

Favole moderne per crescere bambini intelligenti Serie di libri per bambini dedicati alle favole della buonanotte Versione tutta a colori Italian Edition edition by Elton Hill Libro Service Children eBooks Reviews :

More aboutEbook Favole moderne per crescere bambini intelligenti Serie di libri per bambini dedicati alle favole della buonanotte Versione tutta a colori Italian Edition edition by Elton Hill Libro Service Children eBooks

Download PDF PLANIFIEZ OU ECHOUEZ ou comment retrouver sa vraie vie sa liberté French Edition eBook Carine DAGNEAUX

By Sally Rowland

Download PDF PLANIFIEZ OU ECHOUEZ ou comment retrouver sa vraie vie sa liberté French Edition eBook Carine DAGNEAUX

Download As PDF : PLANIFIEZ OU ECHOUEZ ou comment retrouver sa vraie vie sa liberté French Edition eBook Carine DAGNEAUX

Download PDF PLANIFIEZ OU ECHOUEZ ou comment retrouver sa vraie vie sa libert&eacute French Edition eBook Carine DAGNEAUX

« Vous ne pouvez pas imaginez l’enfant que j’étais , en me voyant aujourd’hui, mais à travers ce livre je vous laisse découvrir ou imaginer le pouvoir de mes pensées d’enfant, les retombées qu’elles ont eut dans ma vie d’adulte.
Mais le grand tournant de ma vie fut la naissance de mes enfants , où j’étais face à la plus grande responsabilité qu’il ne m’a jamais été donné d’avoir, en effet j’ai fais le choix à ce moment-là de les accompagner sans trop impacter leur mode de pensées et sans les juger , en leur faisant confiance et en essayant de leur donner le maximum de liberté , celle de choisir et de penser par eux-mêmes.
Cela m’a demandé de faire un travail énorme sur moi-même , j’ai du gérer mes propres peurs, et j’ai du faire des choix qui m’ont propulsé vers des résultats extraordinaires tant sur un plan émotionnel, relationnel, que financier, en surmontant des obstacles. Tout cela car je devais montrer l’exemple à mes enfants, car c’était de ma pleine responsabilité que de me brancher solutions et de leur ouvrir le champs des possibles, car je veux qu’ils sachent qu’ils ont un maximum d’options dans leur vie, et que seulement ce qui est important pour eux compte.
Aujourd’hui , ils sont adultes et à travers ce livre , et je vous dévoile les stratégies que j’ai mis en place pour réussir dans huit domaines, la famille, le couple, la santé, le développement personnel, les finances, les relations sociales, la carrière professionnelle, et les loisirs.
Si vous suivez , ces techniques, vous vous épargnerez un temps énorme que j’ai passé à en expérimenter plusieurs. En effet vous avez ici ma propre recette de la réussite et que vous pourrez appliquer dans tous les domaines de votre vie , elle est la trame parfaite pour tous business et vie personnelle. »

Rien ne changera dans votre existence
si vous restez la même personne,
il n’y a que vous et seulement vous qui
pouvez modifier le cours de votre vie
Prenez le contrôle !

Download PDF PLANIFIEZ OU ECHOUEZ ou comment retrouver sa vraie vie sa liberté French Edition eBook Carine DAGNEAUX


Product details

  • File Size 882 KB
  • Print Length 166 pages
  • Publication Date March 27, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language French
  • ASIN B07Q384VDM

Read PLANIFIEZ OU ECHOUEZ ou comment retrouver sa vraie vie sa libert&eacute French Edition eBook Carine DAGNEAUX

Tags : Buy PLANIFIEZ OU ECHOUEZ ou comment retrouver sa vraie vie, sa liberté (French Edition) Read Reviews - ,ebook,Carine DAGNEAUX,PLANIFIEZ OU ECHOUEZ ou comment retrouver sa vraie vie, sa liberté (French Edition),Self-Help / General,Self-Help / Communication Social Skills

PLANIFIEZ OU ECHOUEZ ou comment retrouver sa vraie vie sa liberté French Edition eBook Carine DAGNEAUX Reviews :

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Download PDF PLANIFIEZ OU ECHOUEZ ou comment retrouver sa vraie vie sa liberté French Edition eBook Carine DAGNEAUX

By Sally Rowland

Read Make Your Own Living Trust Denis Clifford Attorney 9781413326017 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 312 pages
  • Publisher NOLO; Fourteenth edition (March 29, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1413326013

Make Your Own Living Trust Denis Clifford Attorney 9781413326017 Books Reviews

  • I'm a kind of person that likes to do things myself when I can, but was on the border between just hiring someone to create a trust for me, or to do it on my own. I first went to go talk to a professional lawyer that specializes in Trusts. He was great. The price was high, but that was to be expected. He gave me a lot of information which I appreciated, but decided to learn more about it on my own anyway. I got this book to read on an upcoming trip at the time and am so glad that I did. I hate spending money on useless things or things that you can find free on the internet. But I highly recommend this book for anyone who wants to make a Trust him/herself, OR wants and has the time to understand how a Trust works before hiring someone else to do it. My parents hired someone to write their trust...shelled out a ton of money at the time...and it's pretty much crap (I hate to say). It works, but is the most generic thing ever. It's very easy for lawyers to say a lot of fancy things and give you a Trust and you don't even really know if it's "good" or not because you only know what they tell you. So if you plan on hiring someone to write your Trust, I really recommend doing some research (such as buying this book, which is great), or browsing around online. Bonus is that it's also a very interesting topic with a good writer. Very easy to follow for novices, and full of information for people even relatively knowledgeable about the topic.
  • I found this book very useful, but would caution readers that estate taxes and estate laws in various states are moving targets, so you need to be careful to buy the latest update of this book and also visit their online website to confirm you have the most current information possible. Also, if your personal family situation is complex (e.g. second marriage, out of state real estate, such as a rental property or vacation home, or if you own one or more businesses, or have a spouse who is not a U.S. citizen), it would behoove you to use this text to draft the trust (to save money on that part of the process--most attorneys use "boilerplate" anyway, so why pay $250 per hour for that), then pay their hourly rate for a qualified estate planning attorney to review your trust for mistakes or specific language you need to include to cover these specific situations. For example, a common problem that can occur is that you name your trust as the beneficiary of an IRA, but your trust does not include the specific language the IRS and custodian of the IRA need to see in order to "pass through" the IRA to beneficiary IRAs. When this happens, the Inherited IRA can be taxed at the tax bracket of the Trust (instead of the beneficiaries which might be lower), and the IRA must be emptied by the fifth year after the death of the owner. Finally, if you do decide to use an estate planning attorney, be sure to ask them what % of their time is spend on this type of law. Many family lawyers and other lawyers dabble in estate planning. You have too much at stake. Look for an attorney for which this is at least 50% of their business.
  • I've been using Nolo (Press) products for over twenty-five years. I've given them as gifts and a 'starting point kick in the butt' for friends, family and clients. You can not imagine the problems you and your family will have without a will and / or trust. Yeah, yeah I know, "your dead so whaddaya care". Well, sometimes ya don't die and dying ain't the worst of it. Incapacitation is. No matter what you accomplish in life your inability to manage your own self interest will be what you're remembered for. You may not believe you've nothing to leave or give but you do. You have dignity, love, care, dreams, and all the things that make you you. Do not leave that to strangers who do not care for you or a corrupt probate system.
  • Has all the forms and instructions to do your own Living Trust. But, you have to be a self-driven person who will follow through and do the work. I've done part of the work and have had the book for a while. Read through the material and it looks complete; I just have to do my part now.
  • Good starter book. Easy to understand, and covers the basics. After we talked to a trust attorney, we realized that we needed much more. We still opted to do it ourselves and are making changes and additions based on her recommendations.

    I'd highly recommend it to give you a basic understanding and to start your own trust. But there is much that cannot be covered in a book of this size, and it you're typical, it won't cover all your needs, even though you don't know that at the time. You still need a professional or at least their advice.
  • I found it very helpful. Lots and lots of information carefully explained with examples. Even if I do end up using a lawyer, I can still save lots of time (and thus a lawyer's hourly rate) by understanding in advance the whole process as well as exactly what I want, and how things need to be listed.
  • This is a GREAT trust book! It does have what you need and makes it easy to create your own trust.I had NO IDEA how easy it was to do, on your own, WITHOUT an attorney--YAY!!!
  • A lot of good information. After going through the book, I realized that I will use it to organize everything I want in my living trust and will, and will take that to a professional to prepare. I am banking on the fact that if I go in all organized and all s/he has to do is plug in what wrote (face it, I'm sure they have preset programs), then I should save a lot of money. I'll insist on it!
More aboutDownload PDF PLANIFIEZ OU ECHOUEZ ou comment retrouver sa vraie vie sa liberté French Edition eBook Carine DAGNEAUX

Read That Oxford Girl A Real Student Guide to Oxford University Tilly Rose Books

By Sally Rowland on Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Read That Oxford Girl A Real Student Guide to Oxford University Tilly Rose Books

Product details

  • Hardcover 192 pages
  • Publisher Arcturus Publishing Limited; Student edition (March 15, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1788886631

That Oxford Girl A Real Student Guide to Oxford University Tilly Rose Books Reviews

  • It’s a really good book when it come to learning about Oxford from a students point of view. It’s set up more like a kids book with more illustrations than words most of the time.
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Read Online Beckett Football Card Price Guide 2019 Beckett Media 9781936681273 Books

By Sally Rowland

Read Online Beckett Football Card Price Guide 2019 Beckett Media 9781936681273 Books

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Download PDF Beckett Football Card Price Guide 2019 Beckett Media 9781936681273 Books

Find virtually every football card ever produced! In these pages, more than 500,000 football cards are listed and priced and the book includes every important football card set from 1984 to the present!

Read Online Beckett Football Card Price Guide 2019 Beckett Media 9781936681273 Books


Product details

  • Series Beckett Football Card Price Guide
  • Paperback
  • Publisher Beckett Pubns; 36 edition (September 7, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1936681277

Read Beckett Football Card Price Guide 2019 Beckett Media 9781936681273 Books

Tags : Beckett Football Card Price Guide 2019 [Beckett Media] on . Find virtually every football card ever produced! In these pages, more than 500, 000 football cards are listed and priced and the book includes every important football card set from 1984 to the present!,Beckett Media,Beckett Football Card Price Guide 2019,Beckett Pubns,1936681277,ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES / Sports Cards / General,Antiques Collectibles,GENERAL,General Adult,Non-Fiction,SPORTS RECREATION / Football,Sports

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Read Schwangerschaft in Deutschland Die Checklisten German Edition Fia Foss 9781798538630 Books

By Sally Rowland

Read Schwangerschaft in Deutschland Die Checklisten German Edition Fia Foss 9781798538630 Books

Download As PDF : Schwangerschaft in Deutschland Die Checklisten German Edition Fia Foss 9781798538630 Books

Download PDF Schwangerschaft in Deutschland Die Checklisten German Edition Fia Foss 9781798538630 Books

Hast Du Genug über Schwangerschaft zu recherchieren? Bist du mit der Bürokratie, Fristen, verschiedenen Arten von Leistungen und mehreren zuständigen Behörden verwechselt? Mach dir keine Sorgen! Du bist nicht allein! Dieses Checklisten-Buch ist der einfachste Weg, um deine Schwangerschaft zu genießen und sich einfach zu entspannen. Folge den Checklisten und markiere jede erledigte Aufgabe und am Ende dieses Buches wirst du merken, dass die Schwangerschaft die schönste Zeit deines Lebens war!Das Buch wurde für 2019 aktualisiert! Hole dir die aktuellsten Informationen!

Read Schwangerschaft in Deutschland Die Checklisten German Edition Fia Foss 9781798538630 Books


Product details

  • Paperback 74 pages
  • Publisher Independently published (March 3, 2019)
  • Language German
  • ISBN-10 1798538636

Read Schwangerschaft in Deutschland Die Checklisten German Edition Fia Foss 9781798538630 Books

Tags : Schwangerschaft in Deutschland Die Checklisten (German Edition) [Fia Foss] on . Hast Du Genug über Schwangerschaft zu recherchieren? Bist du mit der Bürokratie, Fristen, verschiedenen Arten von Leistungen und mehreren zuständigen Behörden verwechselt? Mach dir keine Sorgen! Du bist nicht allein! Dieses Checklisten-Buch ist der einfachste Weg,Fia Foss,Schwangerschaft in Deutschland Die Checklisten (German Edition),Independently published,1798538636,FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS / Parenting / General,Family Relationships / Parenting / Motherhood

Schwangerschaft in Deutschland Die Checklisten German Edition Fia Foss 9781798538630 Books Reviews :

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Read Online I colleghi del mio ragazzo Italian Edition edition by Julia Antes Literature Fiction eBooks

By Sally Rowland

Read Online I colleghi del mio ragazzo Italian Edition edition by Julia Antes Literature Fiction eBooks

Download As PDF : I colleghi del mio ragazzo Italian Edition edition by Julia Antes Literature Fiction eBooks

Download PDF I colleghi del mio ragazzo Italian Edition  edition by Julia Antes Literature Fiction eBooks

Paola, una giovane donna che sta da 4 anni con Tiziano, ha parte di una grande sopresa che stravolgera' la sua vita banale e piena di routine - una cena con i colleghi del suo ragazzo la portera' a fare un'esperienza unica che aprira' nuovi orizzonti sessuali per entrambi i partner.

Read Online I colleghi del mio ragazzo Italian Edition edition by Julia Antes Literature Fiction eBooks


Product details

  • File Size 2483 KB
  • Print Length 11 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date March 29, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language Italian

Read I colleghi del mio ragazzo Italian Edition  edition by Julia Antes Literature Fiction eBooks

Tags : I colleghi del mio ragazzo (Italian Edition) - edition by Julia Antes. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading I colleghi del mio ragazzo (Italian Edition).,ebook,Julia Antes,I colleghi del mio ragazzo (Italian Edition),Fiction / Erotica

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